New Wellness was founded under the principle of treating the cause of diseases, rather than just the symptoms. We take a holistic approach to helping you feel like your best self.
By using the latest technology in functional medicine, we are able to pinpoint the root cause of your health ailments, whether that be hormonal issues, weight issues, or ailments caused by nutrient deficiencies.
You may have realized that standard medical care takes a symptoms based approach. For example, if you have high blood pressure, your doctor may prescribe a medication to control your blood pressure.
Although there are some cases where medication is absolutely necessary, here at New Wellness, we want to figure out the root cause of why your blood pressure is elevated and work alongside standard medical care to reduce or eventually eliminate the need for pharmaceutical medication.
We provide medically supervised diet plans, hormone replacement therapy, wellness plans, and nutrient testing. Learn more about our services below or call today to schedule your free consultation to see how we can help you be you, simply better.